Page 6 - NBY-Nov2020
P. 6

                                “Reaching Out to Others”                         2 2 2 2 2 2
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler                         2 2 2 2 2
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                A A A A Aww ww warar arar ard Winning Columnistd Winning Columnist  2 2 2 2 2 2
                                              And if none of the above works out,
                              Submitted by  instead of staying at home brooding, I’d
                               Jan Fowler
            Jan Fowler                      urge you to seek out an opportunity to help
                                            serve disadvantaged people by volunteering
         We often think of Thanksgiving as a  to work at a Salvation Army kitchen,
       season of love and cheer, but for many  helping to cook, serve, or deliver food to
       it’s a time of loneliness and social  those who are poor, ill, or low on
       isolation.  While most of us look forward  resources.  David and I have served food at
       to sharing holiday celebrations with  the Salvation Army several years in a row
       family and cherished friends, not    now, and have found it extremely
       everyone is that fortunate.          gratifying.
         So if you happen to be among those   It’s easy to withdraw if we don’t have an
       who will be alone this Thanksgiving,  invitation to a holiday dinner, but there’s
       although you may feel alone, millions of  always someone less fortunate than us
       others report being in the same boat.  whom we can be a blessing to.
         Sometimes people dread the holidays  And if nothing else, there are numerous
       because they’re reminded of lost loved  patients in hospitals and nursing homes
       ones so they plan a trip to a fun    who would love to have a visitor stop in
       destination because it helps them escape  and offer to talk, sing, or read to them, not
       the feelings of sorrow which might   to mention just sitting beside them so
       otherwise overcome them if they stayed  they’re not sitting alone.
       home.                                  It never fails, but whenever I reach out
         So if you happen to be dreading a  and try to brighten someone else’s day, I
       feeling loneliness this holiday season,  always end up brightening my own day as
       I’d encourage you to take the initiative  well.  And I know most of you would agree
       yourself to arrange a joint celebration  that it’s also the same with you.  Sending
       with friends, neighbors, students, and  special holiday blessings to everyone.
       perhaps fellow workers.  People will   Jan Fowleris author of the best-selling book,
       love you for giving them something to  “Hot Chocolate for Seniors”(winner of   na-
       look forward to.                      tional & international awards); winner of Gold  Fun Facts: November
         One of the best ways to broach the  Halo Award from the So.California Motion Pic-
       subject with others is to just ask directly,  ture Council for Outstanding Literary Achieve-  November 1st at midnight we set our clocks back an hour. Daylight savings ends.
       “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”,  ment; winner of First Place Excellence in Jour-  It is also All Saints Day (day after Halloween). November 3rd is election day and this
       because they’ll probably respond by   nalism Award (SPJ –Southern CA); Town &  year we are voting for president again.  November 11 is Veterans Day. November
                                             Gown “Phenomenal Woman”Award; former
       asking you the same question.  To which  television host & KSPA radio host of “Senior  14th is a new one to this writer, Diwali - an annual festival of lights celebrating
       you could reply, “I haven’t made any  Living at its Best with Jan Fowler”; speaker;  triumph of good over evil with the origin from India.  The full moon will appear on
       plans yet.  Would you like to get     founder of Starburst Inspirations, Inc. 501(c)  November 30.  November birthstone is Topaz, a symbol of honor and strength,
       together?”                            (3) nonprofit which supports Redlands Drug  longevity and wisdom. Chrysanthemums are the flower for the month.
                                                                                     Whoops!  What about Thanksgiving on November 26?  Of course, the most popular
         You might even decide to take it a step  Court.  Jan welcomes  food day of the y ear.  Whether you are by yourself or trying to be safe with family
       further by inviting someone over to your  feedback and comments about her columns  this year, we wish you good health and happy memories.
                                             and invites you to leave her a message on
       own home to share a meal or holiday   her     website      or      email
       cheer.  Bear in mind that there are many
       people who might not invite you to their
       house because they don’t feel they have                                                                    California Department of Fish and Wildlife
       enough space, but they would gladly
       accept an invitation to come to your                                          Saltwater fishing license
         It’s extremely important to try your                                        Question: Why does CDFW charge for a saltwater fishing license? Do you stock the
       best to keep a positive attitude to beat off                                Pacific Ocean?
       those holiday blues.  And in case you’d
       be willing to host a luncheon or dinner at                                    Answer: California Fish and Game Code (FGC) section 7145(a) requires that “every
       your home, potlucks are just wonderful                                      person 16 years of age or older who takes any fish, reptile, or amphibian for any
       because they not only take the back-                                        purpose other than profit shall first obtain a valid license for that purpose.” One of
       breaking strain off giant food                                              CDFW’s primary roles is to manage California’s fish and wildlife resources for use by
       preparations (plus expenses), but your                                      the public. Saltwater fishing license fees help support law enforcement and scientific
       guests may very well welcome the                                            research and management of marine resources. In addition, CDFW does operate some
       distraction of having to prepare or buy a  HAPPY THANKSGIVING               hatchery and stocking programs for marine fish, such as ocean salmon and white
       food dish to bring.                      from the Staff at NBY!             seabass.

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