Page 18 - August2020-NBY News
P. 18

Legislative Impact on Drug Pricing

        From The Senior Citizens League:  protective medical gear are looming as
        Despite the coronavirus emergency,  outbreaks grow in the South. One big
      The Senior Citizens League, TSCL is  reason is because these supplies often
      continuing its fight for you to protect  come from other countries, which were
      your Social Security, Medicare, and  also dealing with outbreaks.
      Medicaid benefits.  We have had to    The nation’s pharmaceutical industry
      make some adjustments in the way we  has pushed back against the potential
      carry on our work, but we have not,  order, arguing that the United States
      and will not stop our work on your  should not shut itself off from a global
      behalf.                             supply chain.
                                            ‘Turning our backs on trading
                     * * * *              partners during a crisis could damage
        Trump Expected to Issue Executive  our relationships long after this
      Orders about Prescription Drugs     pandemic ends’, the Pharmaceutical
        Last week White House Chief of    Research and Manufacturers of America
      Staff Mark Meadows announced that   (PhARMA) and dozens of other business
      President Trump would soon be       and trade groups wrote in a letter to the
      signing three executive orders      administration.
      regarding prescription drug prices.   Other critics say that revising the
      While he did not provide any further  government’s purchasing rules will not
      information the Washington          provide a quick solution to the supply
      Post published an article about what  shortages of the current
      one of the orders is likely to be.  pandemic. ”Making Buy American
        It is anticipated that one of the  provisions tighter during the current
      orders will be to shift drug and    crisis would likely do more harm than
      medical production to this country by  good,” according to William Reinsch
      suddenly cutting off federal agencies  and Jack Caporal of the Center for
      from those offshore supply chains.  Strategic and International Studies.
         However, there is concern that it  Eighty percent of the nation’s active
      could make it even harder to obtain  pharmaceutical ingredients come from
      supplies critical to combating the  overseas and China is its No. 2 supplier,
      pandemic, such as personal protective  behind only Canada.
      equipment, testing supplies and even  When it comes to generic drugs, a
      medications to treat coronavirus    ‘substantial portion’ of U.S. imports
      patients.                           come either directly from China or third
        The order is expected to apply to  world countries such as India, which use
      government programs and agencies    active ingredients sourced from China.
      that directly purchase drugs and      Moreover, U.S. dependence on China
      medical supplies, according to      for drugs and drug products is growing.
      lobbyists and industry watchers. They  Its imports of Chinese medical
      may include the Department of       equipment increased 78 percent between
      Veterans Affairs, the Strategic     2010 and 2018.
      National Stockpile, and the Federal   TSCL will be watching closely for the
      Bureau of Prisons.                  expected executive orders and we will
        The order would broaden existing  report on them in our legislative update
      federal requirements for government  that follows the release of the orders.
      agencies to prioritize buying supplies
      for medicines deemed ‘essential’ from               * * * *
      U.S. manufacturers, rather than      Your Legislative Team
      companies in China or elsewhere      The Senior Citizens League (TSCL)
      around the world.                    1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
        The Post story said that labs      Alexandria, VA 223145
      struggled to ramp up coronavirus
      testing, and hospitals and nursing
      homes ran short of personal
      protective equipment over the spring.
      These failures hampered the national
      and state responses to the pandemic,
      leaving the United States with far
      more infections and deaths than any
      other country. Even now, shortages of

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