Page 3 - WholeMagazine_FEB2021
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Seniors in Action -  Ed and Linda MimiagaAction -  Ed and Linda Mimiaga
                                        Seniors in
                                         Seniors in Action -  Ed and Linda Mimiaga
                                         Seniors in
                                         Seniors in Action -  Ed and Linda MimiagaAction -  Ed and Linda Mimiaga
         By Marilee Marrero Stefenhagen      was trained by the Archdiocese to
                                             decorate the church in a manner that
         During February, we introduce you to a  complemented the liturgy.  Now, we
       couple who will celebrate 46 years of  worship outside under social distancing
       marriage on May 17, 2021.  Linda, age 68,  guidelines, and I record the collection
       and Ed Mimiaga, age 74, shared smiles as  monies after Mass.”
       they said, “A church fiesta brought us  Ed: “I served as Chair of the Fiesta
       together, and church kept us together, in more  fundraising committee for too many
       ways than one.”                       years to count.  I finally retired in 2019,
                                             just in time for the next year’s
         Question: Where did you grow up?    committee to be saved by the COVID-19
         Ed: “I was born and raised in southern  pandemic from doing any work!  Fiesta
       California.  Most of my youth was spent  was cancelled in 2020.”
       in Compton, then moved to Downey.  I    Question: Do you like to exercise,
       attended college, but was drafted into the  garden, or travel?
       U.S. Army and sent to Vietnam in 1968   Linda: “Certainly not exercise, except
       during the Tet Offensive.  I was one of the  for occasional walks.  Our exercise used
       lucky GIs who came home in one piece. I  to be running around with our
       was a draftsman and worked in aerospace.  grandkids Renee and Evan before the
       It was easy to find an aeronautics job in  pandemic. Coronavirus has caused us to
       southern California, but I was eventually  hunker down.  When our kids were
       laid off. I decided to go back to school.  I  young, we took camping trips in a  Photo left to right:  Ed with grandson Evan, Linda with granddaughter Renee
       worked in State Government as a peace  small tent trailer, exploring California
       officer for 29 years.  I still work part-  and Oregon. After Ed retired, we
       time.”                                bought a 5  wheel and traveled across
         Linda: “I was born in Boston.  People  the USA to 38 different states.”
       sometimes catch my accent.  They’ll laugh  Ed: “We also visited Ireland where we
       and say, “You said ‘cah’ instead of car.” My  saw every shade of green imaginable.
       mother and stepdad moved the family to  We found the Irish people very friendly
       California when I was 13.  We lived in  and helpful.  A favorite trip was a group
       Upland, Rialto, and Chino.  I met Ed at his  tour to Israel and Jordan to visit the
       sister’s church in Chino at the fundraising  Holy Land”
       fiesta.  We hit it off right away.”
         Ed: “My sister begged me to work her  Question: Will you share your secrets
       church’s fiesta in August 1974.  She claims  for a long and happy marriage?
       it was not planned, but I found myself  Ed: “I say YES as often as I can.”
       assigned to a booth with 3 single women.  Linda: “Communication,
       Linda and I clicked naturally, and started  communication, communication!  The
       dating. I gave her a ring at Christmas  bond between us was strong enough to
       when I was 28.  Our priest told me ‘You  last through the best times and the
       can slow down a little,’ but I was ready to  tough times.  My mom was married
       settle down. “                        four times and I was determined when I
         Linda: “I’m six years younger than Ed  met Ed that our marriage would be rock
       but we discussed marriage before our  solid.”
       engagement in December 1974, got        Ed: “We spent our 13  wedding
       married in May 1975, moved to Downey,  anniversary at a MARRIAGE                            Photo left to right:  Ed and Linda Mimiaga
       and were expecting a baby by the first  ENCOUNTER weekend sponsored by
       anniversary of that fateful fiesta.  All three  the Catholic Church.  That seminar
       of our children were born in the month of  enlightened me with tools to make our
       March: Christina in March 1976, Elizabeth  relationship stronger.  It was an
       in March 1977, and Stephen in March   exhausting weekend, but we use those
       1979.”                                strategies constantly to keep our
                                             marriage strong.”
         Question: Please tell NBY readers about
       your volunteer activities.
         Linda: “Our children attended St. John
       of God Catholic School, and I wanted to
       be involved in their classrooms.  Before I
       knew it, my phone number was on speed
       dial at the church, and I spent more time
       helping.  After our kids graduated, I
       chaired the Environment committee.  I

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