Page 6 - September 2020
P. 6

                               “Optimism is Healthy”                             2 2 2 2 2 2
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler                         2 2 2 2 2
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                          “Senior Moments” by Jan Fowler
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                        d Winning Columnist
                                A A A A Aww ww warar arar ard Winning Columnistd Winning Columnist  2 2 2 2 2 2
                                            problems differently so their ability to
                              Submitted by  cope successfully with adversity differs as
                               Jan Fowler   a result.
            Jan Fowler                        Optimism can also have a positive effect
                                            on a person’s immune system.  One study
          “Optimism is good for your health”  which immunized elderly adults for
                                            influenza found that the optimists had
        The benefits of optimism are very far-  greater antibody production and better
       reaching.  It has been proven that   immune outcomes when their immune
       optimistic people cope with disease better,  response to the vaccination was measured
       recover from surgery faster, are healthier,  two weeks later (Kohut, Cooper,
       and even live longer lives.          Nickolaus, Russel, & Cunnick.)
        Optimism is good for our health, and  A sunny outlook may help people
       just knowing that should be a comfort to  recover after a cardiac procedure and also
       us during this era when world-wise   reduce the risk of developing
       disease and death are running rampant  hypertension—one of the major risks for
       because when life is full of challenges, it is  cardiovascular disease—according to
       always easier to focus on what’s going  research scientists in Finland.
       wrong, and forget to appreciate the many  And researchers at Boston University
       things that are going right.         and Harvard who evaluated and followed
        We complain about the pandemic, the  1306 men over ten years, found that the
       rising cost of living, and the leadership in  most pessimistic men were more than
       Washington when it’s just as easy to offer  twice as likely to develop heart disease
       gratitude, appreciation, and thanks for  than the most optimistic men.
       having family or friends who love and  I always enjoy reading and hearing
       support us.                          about how humor itself is good medicine.
        Having had the privilege to meet and  In “Anatomy of an Illness,” Norman
       interview men and women who have     Cousins describes how he overcame an
       lived beyond the 100+year mark, I have  irreversible crippling disease by watching
       observed that some of their stand-out  Allen Funt’s funniest “Candid Camera”
       qualities are easy laughter and friendly  clips from his bed.
       smiles, a strong will to live, and amazing  Cousins made the joyous discovery that
       capacity for resilience.  But most of all, an  for every ten minutes of genuine belly  Fun Facts: September           Resources Revealed
       optimistic outlook.                  laughter—which had an anesthetic effect
        It has been determined that positive-  upon him—he was able to experience at                          Last
       minded people are better able to cope  least two hours of pain-free sleep because                     month we    No more yard sales – try these
       with the adversities of life.  Moreover,  laughter releases endorphins, our body’s                    learned    websites:,,
       optimists have greater happiness,    opium for pain control.                                          that July and for
       healthier hearts, fewer problems with  I, for one, am a strong proponent of                           and        selling clothes and other items. Use
       blood pressure, a lower risk for stroke,  happiness, optimism, and humor as good                      August or Facebook Marketplace to
       and live longer lives.               medicines for whatever ails us!                                  were       sell furniture, trinkets, and gadgets.
        According to multiple studies from the  Harry Truman once said, “A pessimist is                      given 31    Buy gift cards from – users
       United States and Europe, optimistic  one who makes difficulties of his                               days in the  buy cards at around 10 percent off the
                                                                                                                        retail value, which is free money when
       people cope with disease better and live  opportunities and an optimist is one who                    Julian     they are used.
       longer than pessimists.  One long term  makes opportunities of his difficulties.”                     calendar    Contact for help with
       study conducted by the Mayo Clinic found                                                              and the    chores around the house.  Estate sales are
       that optimistic people had a 19% chance of                                                            days were  fun, check out For drugs, try
       still being alive thirty years later.  Jan Fowleris author of the best-selling book,                  taken for best prices on
        According to comments made by a staff  “Hot Chocolate for Seniors”(winner of   na-                   February.  prescriptions.
       psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic, “It tells us  tional & international awards); winner of Gold  September originally had 29 days and  So many internet threads can be
                                             Halo Award from the So.California Motion Pic-
       mind and body are linked and that     ture Council for Outstanding Literary Achieve-  when the above happened, it was given 30  propaganda, we recommend a few fact
       attitude has an impact on the final   ment; winner of First Place Excellence in Jour-  days. The saying 30 days hath September,  checking websites to help reveal
       outcome, death.”  Another study found  nalism Award (SPJ –Southern CA); Town &  April, June and November, all the rest  truthsayers. Try;
       evidence that optimism can protect    Gown “Phenomenal Woman”Award; former  have 31, except February.  ;,;
       against the development of chronic    television host & KSPA radio host of “Senior  Better known as the ‘grape harvest’;;
       diseases (Matthes, Raikkonen, Sutton-  Living at its Best with Jan Fowler”; speaker;  month. The flowers are Aster or Morning;
       Tyrell, & Kuller.)                    founder of Starburst Inspirations, Inc. 501(c)  Glory  which represent love and
        Gratitude is also associated with    (3) nonprofit which supports Redlands Drug  daintiness, wisdom, valor and faith. The  Cut this out and reference later.
       optimism.  It is believed that grateful  Court.  Jan welcomes  gemstone is Sapphire and most desired in
       people are happier, receive more social  feedback and comments about her columns  its purest color of rich blue. The picture has
       support, ae less stressed, and less   and invites you to leave her a message on  Sextilis holding grapes from his left hand and a lizard from the right hand, associated with
       depressed.  Recent research indicates that  her  website   or      email   the god of wine. He has a scarf over one shoulder and a vessel to receive the new wine. A
                                                                                  puzzling basket of skewers. Etching above {{PD-US}} - U.S. work public domain in the U.S.
       optimists and pessimists approach
                                                                                  for unspecified reason by prsumably because it was published in teh U.S. before 1925.
        6                                                                                                                               September 2020
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