Ring in a Year of New Beginnings!

Jan Fowler

is author of the best-selling book, “Hot Chocolate for Seniors”(winner of national & international awards); winner of Gold Halo Award from the So. California Motion Picture Council for Outstanding Literary Achievement; winner of First Place Excellence in Journalism Award (SPJ –Southern CA); Town & Gown “Phenomenal Woman” Award; former television host & KSPA radio host of “Senior Living at its Best with Jan Fowler”; speaker, contributing author for “Savvy Women Revving Up for Success”; founder of Starburst Inspirations, Inc. 501(c) (3) nonprofit which supports Redlands Drug Court. www.janfowler.com. Jan welcomes feedback and comments about her columns and invites you to leave her a message on her website.

Ring in a Year of New Beginnings!

by Jan Fowler


The launch of a new calendar year has always meant a lot to me. It signifies a fresh start and one more merciful chance to complete all that I started but have still left undone. After all, everyone deserves the chance for a new beginning, such as the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and close the door firmly on past mistakes, personal failures, broken promises, or just plain bad luck…and to begin again with renewed enthusiasm. Why enthusiasm? Simply because it’s to our advantage to be enthusiastic about something!


We do better when we have future goals to look forward to because dreams add hope and purpose to life. Regardless of whether we’re seeking to improve our physical health through diet and exercise, our mental outlook through finding new purpose, or our social connections by forming new friendships and taking some new classes, we all need to remain open to new opportunities.


But maybe we need encouragement to write that book, take that trip, or finish a college degree online. Having a dream to look forward to helps keep our morale high. So one of my favorite questions to ask people in later life, especially if they’re sick, is “What is one dream you still have for your life?”


You wouldn’t believe how quickly their faces light up.


People often tell me that their dreams and goals revolve around the healing and restoration of a failed relationship. Or the issue of an aging parent and nagging worry over their safety. Some of us in later life may feel the ache of discouragement over a troubled son, daughter, or grandchild, or disappointment over failed finances.


And sometimes it’s forgiveness that’s needed toward ourselves, as well as others, in order to move forward.


As I’ve said before, life is one continuous odyssey. We are all trying to make the most of it and we never know what magic may lie right around the corner. I’ve had personal issues in my own life which I refused to give up on, for which answered prayer arrived when I least expected it; and only because I hung in there.


So in this coming year, I would urge you to close the door on the past and renew your hopes, dreams, and optimism about your life. We should all be focusing on the expectation of good health, finances, and relationships which attract harmony and love.


Some of my favorite tips for good living are:


1)  Having purpose.

2)  Thinking good thoughts

3)  Staying connected to others and finding someone to love.

4)  Practicing good nutrition and exercise.

5)  Avoiding grouches whenever possible

6)  Keeping our dreams alive by placing pictures or symbols of them out on display where we can see and be reminded of them.

7)  Smiling and laughing often. Even when we don’t feel like smiling, smile anyway because chances are that others will smile back at us and then we’ll feel better. Smiling is a mood elevator because it creates a paradigm shift.

8)  Avoid loneliness as much as possible because it can shorten the life span.


And lastly, please don’t criticize another person until you’ve walked a mile in their moccasins. Because by then, you’ll not only be one mile away but you’ll have their shoes!


So let us ring in a year of new beginnings and may all your dreams for your life come true in 2023!


{Jan Fowler is an award-winning author and former radio talk show host of “Senior Living at its Best with Jan Fo



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