Another Chance to Get it Right

Jan Fowler

is author of the best-selling book, “Hot Chocolate for Seniors”(winner of   national & international awards); winner of Gold Halo Award from the So. California Motion Picture Council for Outstanding Literary Achievement; winner of First Place Excellence in Journalism Award (SPJ –Southern CA); Town & Gown “Phenomenal Woman” Award; former television host & KSPA radio host of “Senior Living at its Best with Jan Fowler”; speaker, contributing author for “Savvy Women Revving Up for Success”;  founder of Starburst Inspirations, Inc. 501(c) (3) nonprofit which supports Redlands Drug Court.  Jan welcomes feedback and comments about her columns and invites you to leave her a message on her website.


“Another Chance to Get it Right”                                                                                    

by Jan Fowler

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  Oprah Winfrey

The launch of a new calendar year has always meant a lot to me because it signifies a fresh start and another merciful chance to complete all that I may have started but left undone.  Everyone deserves a chance for a new beginning, don’t you think?  By that I mean an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and close the door firmly on past mistakes, personal failures, broken promises, or just plain bad luck. And to begin again with renewed enthusiasm.  Why enthusiasm?  Simply because it’s important to be enthusiastic about something!  So whether we’re trying to improve our physical health through exercise, diet, or yoga, our mental health through finding new purpose, or our social needs by making new friends we always profit from being fired up by new dreams and goals for the future because they add fulfillment to life.

“New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

As I’ve said many times before, life is one continuous odyssey.  We’re all trying to make the most of it, never knowing what magic may be waiting for us right around the corner. I recall many personal issues in my own life which I refused to give up on, for which answered prayer arrived when I least expected it!  But I feel that I also helped to breathe life into many of my unfulfilled dreams by writing them down on paper.  Do any of you do the same?

I have found it possible to train myself to think happy thoughts, to expect positive outcomes, and to remain open to receiving new blessings.  And since a positive attitude doesn’t always happen naturally every single day, I try my best to work at learning to laugh more often.

Sometimes we all need to push ourselves to rebound from failure faster.  Let’s face it, even when we don’t win, we always learn more about ourselves by going through the process.  In fact, many people have told me that a minor stall was exactly what they needed in their life because it forced them to take a giant step forward by moving in a brand new direction.

I have often found that by improving the quality of life for strangers, as well as for people whom I’m close to, helps to fill the empty spaces in my heart. That includes the homeless by donating food, money, time, or service, plus my own family and loved ones by being more attentive to their needs.  I might mention that this past Thanksgiving, David and I spent the afternoon serving meals to those in need at our local Salvation Army.  And he and I definitely got more out of it than we gave!

This coming year, I am personally committed to performing more community service by reaching out to assist veterans, teens, seniors, or families with children.

And as we approach this coming new year, I invite everyone to join me in radiating happiness and goodwill to others.

Happy New Year and another chance to get it right!

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin

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