Greetings from the Editor – June 2019

Greetings from the Editor – June 2019

Greetings from the editor

NBY! Readers…

Libraries are one of our greatest treasures!!
It is our responsibility to keep them safe and vibrant contributors to the communities they serve.
I encourage each of you to contact your local library and ask “How can I help?” They may need volunteers to work the book store, sort books for special events, participate in community led projects for children or older adults.
Become an advocate for your local library and you are part of the solution for the upcoming generations.


Another valuable asset we have is our shopping malls. Before you scoff, think about it.
How often would you rather try it or see it before you buy it? On-line and mail order are convenient, yet doesn’t compare to the experience of physical shopping!!
What about safe places for the kids to hang out?
We can help keep businesses in business!


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