Greetings from the Editor ~ March 2023

This month we are Marching along.  I am not a joke teller.  However, I intend to share one that I heard recently.  Here goes….Are you aware of who was considered the wealthiest person in the Bible?  The answer is: Noah.  The explanation is ‘He had a lot of ‘liquid assets’ and ended up with a bunch of ‘stock’.  For those of you not familiar with this Bible story.  It is a reference to the ‘Flood” where Noah brought on two of every animal species onto the Arc in order to save them when the great flood came.  Anyway, I thought it was cute and wanted to share it as we are having considerable rain this time of year.
Additionally, many of us are getting back into public spaces, taking our chances of getting Covid and not wearing masks 100% of the time.  I even heard a rumor that the CDC was thinking about lowering some of the mask requirements in the near future.  Hopefully, everyone is staying safe and doing well.

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