Author: NBY News

The real estate market continues to grow, and that means that some people have made money on the real estate market.  Even that modest home you purchased a few years ago has increased in value.  The upward spiral in the real estate market has attracted...

[vc_row] [vc_column width='1/3'] JILL WEINLEIN After graduating from UCLA, JIll traveled the world looking for unique destinations. She's been writing about her travels for almost 30 years in various publications. She writes a weekly restaurant review for the Beverly Press and Park LaBrea News. It’s inserted into the Los...

Hip replacement is – well – becoming “hip,” but could the trendy surgery also prolong one’s life? Maybe, says renowned orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, referring to a Swedish study published this year (February 2018) in Clinical Orthopaedics and...

A school in Parkland, Florida is providing students with clear plastic, see-through carry bags. This is in response to the February 14th shooting that left 17 dead. Future plans call for a fence with a central point of access that will be equipped with metal...

DO YOU HAVE A HEALTHY THYROID? Your thyroid could be sabotaging your weight goal! Q – HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR THYROID? A – Extremely important and a key factor responsible for producing the master metabolism hormones that control every function in your body! Research tells us that as...